Tuesday, October 28, 2014


   Online ScrapBook

This would be a site that will offer a person to create a account, after doing that the person will have his dashboard where he will have total scraps filled, total views, etc... To get started...we can send request to any person we may know or not to fill our e-scrap book. It would just be like traditional scrapbook...before sending the request..we get option to choose the question and make our own too. The receiver will get options to skip questions.... Along with questions one will also get option to upload the pics, related vedio and songs.. Like on question of the song he like ...he can just upload it...it would be a fun reading ones scrap page.....there will be a like option too...on every question...

The main competition will be on the number of scraps got filled by a perticular... Of we open once profile..we see the data of 1. No. Of requests send
 2. No. Of scraps filled.
3. Total likes(summing up all questions like)

There will be chat option, the more the no. Of scraps filled the more the scraps points earned which will be used as shopping coupouns later on..
 The main charm will be scrapya ranking which will depend on the points you get. Points depends on the total likes and thr percentage of scrap successfully filled by the receiver i.e. the ratio of total filled scraps to the total request send...but ranking will be available only when you got 100 scraps filled.
The other charm will be of the offers will give of we want the scrap to be filled..the offer will be giving our some points to them... If they click on accept offer, then they will have to fill the scrap.

People can make friends and then can chat. A newsfeed will also be available to people showing who send request to whom with offers and who filled what..